Our Admissions
St. Mary's School provides an affordable, quality Catholic education for the children and families of Chester and the surrounding communities. Our preschool program offers a flexible schedule with various options for the youngest of our students. Learning is fostered through an environment of exploration and creative play. The daily routine is enriched with activities and materials designed to stimulate students’ awareness and curiosity of the world. Furthermore, St. Mary's offers an exceptional Daycare and After School Care program from- 6:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily. This extended care service is available to students enrolled in Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary Grade Levels. St. Mary’s does offer a full-day Kindergarten program that provides students the time and opportunity to explore developmentally appropriate materials and build necessary social skills in a child-centered environment. Our Grade 1-8 curriculum educates the whole child while building a strong sense of Christian community steeped in the Catholic Tradition. Our Administration, staff, and community of families all work in collaboration to support our students and encourage them to excel academically while they develop effective life skills.
We do understand the financial challenges and the sacrifices that families make in choosing Catholic education for their children, and we want to help in any way that we can. It is our goal that no child is denied a Catholic education because of cost. We cannot guarantee assistance to all families, but we do guarantee we will examine each request made. If you’d like to know more, please contact the office by calling 618-826-3120.
Tuition Payment Plan
We shall process your admission and update you with our final decision within 60 days of receiving payment and all documentation.

Learn about our Preschool Program
Preschool Program
St. Mary’s Preschool is pleased and excited to be providing quality preschool sessions and daycare for our 29th year. Our goal is to make each child’s preschool experience a positive and fun one. We encourage positive feelings about self, the school, and the environment. We also seek to provide a classroom and program that can meet the needs of each individual child, preparing them for group and social situations like Kindergarten. For enrollment information, please contact the school office at 618-826-3120 and speak with Eleanor Clendenin.